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Cut Throat Francis release high-energy EP ‘Everything’s Normal’

Known for their high-energy, relatability and organised chaos, Bristol based band Cut Throat Francis are back with a new release. The group have gained a lot of traction in their home-town, with their live performances and Eastern European flavour as well as the four-piece juggling ten instruments, giving the a signature sound and style like no other.

Their new EP is called ‘Everything’s Normal’ and continues to give us those same exciting styles that get you out of your seat immediately. The project is joyous and across it’s 16-minute runtime there’s an unparalleled level of joy and fun in their performance. Heavy use of saxophone, acoustic guitar and folky percussion are brought together to create this dynamic and appealing sonic space.

On the EP, the band share, “Everything's Normal : A tale of four humans thinking they're old at 30. Featuring songs with subject matter such as one-legged dogs, failing at assembling flatpack furniture and the existential horrifying dread of realising humanity would rather continually punish itself by reinstating inherently oppressive and destructive power structures that do nothing to improve the material conditions of the working man but instead of trying to help change it; you end up doing eff all because your lower back slightly hurts. Featuring some great vocals and great words from Haz n' Tom and more Baritone Sax than mankind thought was humanly possible (we're still paying that thing off after three years) which some interpret as secret satanic messaging if you play it backward at half the speed. But calm down there Charlie Manson! This is the good kind of satanic messaging which when converted properly states... "Everything's Normal is a great record and you should listen to it all the time!" Thanks Satan!”

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