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Luxury Goods showcase unique and irresistible sound in their new E.P ‘This Is No Time to Dance'


Sheffield-based Luxury Goods are on a mission to take you on a journey with their latest offering. They’ve already received a warm reception with their first two singles (which also feature on here). The E.P is set to showcase their unique and signature sound that will pull you in and leave you wanting more.

‘This Is No Time to Dance’ is a musical melting pot in which Luxury Goods evoke a whole host of emotions. They showcase the playful and infectious energy of ‘Again’ next to the dramatic-sounding and impactful ‘PM.’ Soaked in vibrancy, you’re going to be hit with a melting pot of synths, glimmering guitars and a formidable drum and bass partnership that is sure to get you up and dancing.

The E.P is a proud collection of work for Luxury Goods, as Leonie explains: “This release has been a long time coming. We recorded the first track for the EP in 2019, before we were even called Luxury Goods. Since then, the journey has taken many twists and turns as we assembled an amazing team of creatives from around the country. 3 lockdowns, far too many sugar mice and a band baby later (no mum, not mine), we’re really proud of what we’ve achieved with ‘This is No Time to Dance’.

The record is built around themes that are close to my heart, like being a woman, periods, self-doubt, finding confidence in the darkest of places, relationships with others and -most importantly- with myself.

I’m really excited to share this collection of songs with the world and believe it will be the first stepping stone to bigger things.”

Their alternative pop is bold, powerful and unapologetic, because we are all Luxury Goods.



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