Ever since they first emerged with their stunning debut single 'Harder To Justify' in 2020, Norway's Electric High have been on a stellar run across the scene. Knocking out a wide range of fresh and enjoyable alt-rock anthems every few months, they are now looking to continue their vibrant ascent as they deliver their latest belter 'Flicking The Bees'.
Continuing to explore more of those swaggering grooves that have proven so infectious these last few years, 'Flicking The Bees' sets itself as one of their most loveable and carefree outings to date. With its tongue-in-cheek lyrics adding a playful nature to their newest offering, they are returning to add a much-needed dose of fun to the sometimes overly seriously rock scene.
Despite arriving in the wake of an already extremely busy time for the group, 'Flicking The Bees' still sits as one of their most enjoyable additions yet. Rarely do we come across a band that ooze such insatiable energy, but in the case of Electric High, they are a name that deserve all the acclaim and recognition they are currently earning.
Enjoy 'Flicking The Bees' below.