We sat down with Alex Eydt after the release of his stellar new tune 'Daniel (d's song)', to discuss what influences shaped his unique sound. Be sure to check out the single at the bottom and follow him on socials!
How to disappear completely - Radiohead
The depths to which this song reaches to me are esoteric. Their entire catalog has songs that hit that signature “Radiohead Feeling”. It’s like you’re floating in a cloud, and it’s getting late, and the air is cold and stingy to breathe and you only glimpse the view below as a sunsetting over a vast ocean and it’s dreadfully real and painful but beautiful all at once. There’s a few songs of theirs that come close to this (Fake Plastic Trees, All I Need, Exit Music for a Film, Videotape) but this really sets itself apart from me. Also one of the best baselines ever.
Ultralight Beam - Kanye
A constant inspiration, I frequently reference this piece for nearly every aspect of music. (the delivery, the structure, the sound design, the composition, the artwork, the mix etc). I don’t think it’s usually considered among his best works, but I think it’s one of the most incredible pieces of art to come from Internet culture. Again, it seems to just hit the “Kanye” nail on the head, it’s solemn but uplifting without being arrogant or despicable. It just has “Elevation” running through every iota of it. Many beautiful moments I’ve spent in the arms of this.
Road to Nowhere - Talking Heads
This is the newest discovery for me on this list. Oh man what a rile! The way they got the drums and bass to sit together on this is so unique and brave (like the message). There’s these beautiful phrases in the arrangement that’s so signature of Talking Heads. And the energy from David on this thing is just open fields! He’s with you, building the momentum, all the way up. There’s something to be said for how it doesn’t blow its lid either, it’s so easy to let a track boil over especially in a situation like that, near the end, but there’s a lid kept on it. It never loses its heart and manages to keep the same spark of energy that it started off with in the beginning. So very unique and powerful.
It Might Be Time - Tame Impala
I’ve a real appreciation for Tame Impala’s brand and I’m a big fan of Kevin’s production, his songwriting and arrangements. I’m a fan of theirs in general, and when you’re a fan of something there’s a tendency to have a bias towards what they put out. Which is not a bad thing, that’s how fanbases work. But then when you find a piece of theirs and you can honestly say “I love this for what it is, not just because it’s Tame Impala” that’s a pretty strong thing. Their catalog is endlessly impressive, again he’s totally mastered his brand and knows how to hit the Tame Impala nail on the head. So for this track to be so Tame Impala but still so unique to his discography is perhaps why it stands out as an inspiration. It’s like, some other spirit possesses Kevin Parker and Kevin made this song but from a different place than where he usually makes music form
The Wolves (Act I and II) - Bon Iver
I feel as though I’m breaking sacred scripture by even speaking about this song, it’s one of those things you don’t want to touch, just leave it be as it is. So I won’t pick it apart too much, rather I'll let it keep its magic. I’m including this piece because I was listening to this album (For Emma, Forever Ago) on an incredibly serene sun-setting walk through the country lanes that I grew up around, only last week (at the time of writing). This is one of those songs that’s MY song. I’m sure some of those reading will understand what that feels like when you've spent such personal and intimate moments with a piece of music that it’s like you’ve confided something in it. Like it was there with you when you had your heart broken, or when you discovered something really deep about who you are and as a result it just nuzzles up close to your heart and stays there forever. In these cases, that’s the deepest level of inspiration that a song can achieve. That is quite literally a piece of art, shaping an individual's soul and consequently the way they live their life. I didn’t intend to go so deep when I included this on the list but, in a way, what I’m describing is the very definition of inspiration, so I guess I just gave a really good answer.
Alex Eydt - 'Daniel (d's song)'