Following the release of Atomic Bronco's brand new album 'Bull in a China Shop' we caught up with the rock riser to find out more about the music he loves and why. Check out the feature below where he delves deep into his favourite tracks and if you're a fan you're sure to connect with the new album!
1. Come as You Are - Nirvana
I first heard this song when I was like 12 or 13 and it changed my life. I became obsessed with Nirvana and Kurt Cobain, and Nevermind really influenced how I approached songwriting, especially with guitar riffs. The classic watery guitar riff, which I consider to be one of the best ever, always draws me in and the energy contrast between the verse and chorus is fantastic. Also, the drums are tremendous on this song, Dave Grohl really enhances the vibe Kurt is portraying. I know everyone thinks of Smells Like Teen Spirit when they think of Nirvana, but to me Come As You Are is THE Nirvana song.
2. Lost in Yesterday - Tame Impala
I still vividly remember hearing this song when it first came out and being blown away. I've never heard a song have so much variation and so many interesting details with just two chords. The bass sounds incredible and the drumming is impeccable per usual. I'm a huge fan of everything Kevin Parker does, and I think he's one of the most talented musicians/producers working today. This song really highlights the strength of his abilities and vision, and has one of the better music videos of the last 5 years.
3. Billie Toppy - Men I Trust
I've been on a huge Men I Trust kick lately, and this is definitely my favorite song of theirs. I love the punk energy of the guitar riff alongside the breathy vocals, which blend perfectly in this song. Men I Trust is typically a little softer and lo-fi, so to see them rock out a bit is really exciting. This group is super talented and I'm pumped to see what they come out with next.
4. May 1st - Beach Fossils
Beach Fossils are the kings of jangly surf rock, and their album Somersault is one of my favorites. Down the Line gets most of the attention, but my pick for favorite song off that album is May 1st. It has an incredible mix of chimy guitars, thick basslines and understated but vital backing vocal harmonies. They have a new album coming out this year, and I've already pre-ordered the vinyl. They just make great music, and May 1st is a great example of that.
5. The Heinrich Maneuver - Interpol
Interpol is one of my favorite bands, and I think The Heinrich Maneuver hits all the notes of what I like about the group. The punchy drums, the driving basslines, the simple yet intertwining guitar parts, and the deadpan vocals all gel together to make a song that just slaps. Interpol makes loud music, but they are somehow able to create dynamics throughout the song while being loud the entire time, it's truly incredible. I remember seeing this song performed live on the Letterman show as a teenager, and thinking "that's what a band should be like." Just a great song all around.
Listen to 'Bull in a China Shop' below: