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Hip-hop icon Anthony Vince drops passionate single 'Woods'


Alternative hip-hop artist Anthony Vince returns with his first single of the year ‘Woods’ - an energetic number that comes across as genre-bending. Blending elements of alternative rock, hip-hop and pop together to create his signature sound, Anthony refuses to be limited to one style. Produced, written, recorded, mixed and mastered entirely by the songwriter, the brand new single is armed with a hypnotic rhythm, charismatic vocals and a cinematic production.

Speaking about the forthcoming EP ‘Not Out of the Woods’, Anthony explains, “‘Not Out of the Woods’ is a look inside of my mind and personality through sound. Creating music that my younger self would be proud of. Completely produced, written, mixed and mastered by me.”

“Woods” comes across as experimental in places with its thought-provoking arrangement. A track that will instantly leave you sticking it on repeat, the just over 2 and a half minute track is jam-packed with metaphors and unapologetic lyricism.

Having always been a creative person, Anthony had the urge to create from a young age whether it being painting, creating music or wood working. Walking through life with a vision of having freedom to explore, Anthony Vince is an inspiring individual that’s always on the lookout for his next, big adventure.



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