Michael Blackwell has been obsessed with music all his life. In his earliest years he listened to the The likes of Led Zeppelin, The Police and The Beatles, who educated him on classic songwriting. Moving into his teens, Blackwell then started listened to the likes of Radiohead, Jeff Buckley, Soundgarden, Nirvana and Stone Temple Pilots. His sound aims to incorporate both influences, with his music coming with a classic rock feel that works well with his timeless lyricism.
“Nothing Makes Sense” is a fantastic debut from Blackwell. The track does everything a debut single should do - and will be sure to make a lasting impression on anyone who listens. Distortion soaked guitars, thunderous drums and infectious bass lines can all be found on the single. On top, personality-soaked vocals are dynamically diverse and immersive, working well with emotional lyrics.
Speaking about the single, he says: “”Nothing Makes Sense” is a song about the struggles of understanding everyday life. It is easy to feel pressure from social media, confusion from your news feed and uncertainty over each decision you have to make, even with the most optimistic mindset self doubt can be unavoidable. I know my shortcomings, my strengths and weaknesses and I have realised all I can do is try my best even if the world around me seems chaotic’.
Blackwell isn’t new to the music industry, and has already forged himself an impressive career. He’s toured with the likes of Lewis Capaldi and Amber Run and is currently the guitarist for Louis Tomlinson. We cannot wait to see where he takes his solo career.