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Nicholas Laget releases emotive EP 'Light'

Nicholas Laget has just released an emotive 7 track EP that is sure to blow you away.

'Light' has taken Nicholas Laget an entire decade to pen down, and acts as a collection of his finest work to date. The record textually moves and binds together subdued piano lines and soaring pads as well as lucious choirs that meet with string accompaniments. Already providing to be a force within the Neo Classical scene, we feel 'Light' will elevate his presence even more.

Discussing the release, Nicholas explains: “Life throws many things at you. It’s hard to remember the good times when you are in a tight spot but things inevitably turn around. Maybe this is an album for those difficult moments when you lose sight of that.”

Based in Washington DC, Nicholas Laget was originally born and raised in Africa, and this mix of roots, including his French citizenship, comes to the fore in his music. Having played since he was 5, Nicholas began creating music in high school before perfecting his craft throughout his early writing. On top of this, writing for film his allowed him to perfect a multitude of genres, this record follows Nicholas’ previous album, 'Dark', which drew acclaim from Tinnitist, and The Music Essentials and we feel this has grown in talent and quality even more.



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