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REVIEW: DD Allen - I See You in the Dark

Moving with the proverbial sonic tides, singer-songwriter DD Allen has experimented with his influences on new track “I See You in the Dark”. The genre-less track boasts a captivating melody, an indie-rock drum line and a delightful synthesiser that is reminiscent of the greats such as Springsteen. Showcasing his superb song writing skills, DD Allen touches on his inspirations when writing “I See You in the Dark” below:

“Although I wrote I See You in the Dark about a broken romance, managing isolation, and the ‘yearning for what was and might be again… the narrative seems to have a wider context in today’s climate. People have lost a lot of the buzz that makes life so great. But we know it’ll all come back.”

Having toured with critically acclaimed British artist James Blunt, in addition to multiple tours across the UK and Europe, DD Allen has been able to hone his skills and create his own distinctive sound. Inspired by the 80s and 90s guitar rock he was surrounded by in his youth, DD Allen effortlessly blends together both classic and modern aspects of pop music, infusing rock inspired tracks with the atmosphere of the 80s.

While his unique and enthralling vocals capture the listener from the off, it is the dynamic and infectiously romantic instrumentation that keep the listeners truly engaged. “I See You in the Dark” is a charismatic and powerful ballad that marks DD Allen out as one of the most engaging artists on the scene right now.

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