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  • Alice Smith

5 Songs I Love w/ Molly Buchan

Following the release of her latest single 'Ocean On The Moon', we caught up with Irish indi-folk artist Molly Buchan to gain an insight into what influences her eclectic sound. If you enjoy Molly's picks be sure to check out 'Ocean On The Moon' at the end of the article.

1. Settle - Vera Blue

"Discovering this song was a memorable moment as I was so taken aback by Vera Blue’s unwavering vocal presence. The intertwining harmonies are stunning and have a stark contrast with the pulsing rhythm section. Mixed in with the synths, there’s this recurring shift between tension and release that lets the song intensify and build to a cathartic and transcendent climax. I find there to be a lot of feminine power behind this track as it serves as a reminder of the transformational ability within ourselves and in music to move people, heal hearts, and spur social change."

2. Pot Kettle Black - Wilco

"This is definitely one of the most uplifting, driving songs I’ve heard in a while. Jeff Tweedy’s voice is so calming and his clever word play draws me in instantly. I don’t know how he managed to create such a sonic landscape with acoustic guitar but I adore the catchy riffs coming in and out. I love how intimate and honest the lyrics are, as Jeff labels himself a hypocrite discussing themes like self-awareness and personal accountability. There’s this sense of conviction like he’s even trying to persuade himself he won’t get caught with whatever he’s done."

3. Moonlight Shadow - Mike Oldfield

"I always loved this song as a child and remember being completely captivated by the hypnotic guitars towards the end accompanied with Maggie Reilly’s soft vocals. The lyrics describe a man who’s shot in the middle of the night, and how his widow feels like she see him in the shadows. I love the simplicity of the lyrics and think the breaks between the phrases let them ring out and resonate with you. ‘The trees that whisper in the evening sing a song of sorrow and grieving’ - I love this line so much, it perfectly captures the heavy weight you feel trying to carry on after losing someone you love, while the people around you slowly forget."

4. Simulation Swarm - Big Thief

"This song is just so beautifully written with some of the most intricately described metaphors I’ve come across in alternative folk. ‘Simulation Swarm’ feels like sitting in a cabin in the woods and sends me on a nostalgic trajectory every time I hear it. Everything in the mix is so close and intimate blended with gentle vocals, never failing to comfort me. I take a lot of lyrical inspiration from this song - when you unpack it there are so many metaphors to be interpreted differently from person to person, connecting them. To me, that’s what makes a successful song."    

5. California - Joni Mitchell

"Joni Mitchell is one of my heroes and California effortlessly captures the essence of longing, freedom, and pursuit of dreams. Joni’s imagery is so vivid and heartfelt, transporting me into her lyrical canvas. Her voice is so beautifully textured and reminds me of a paintbrush on a canvas. There's a raw honesty and vulnerability to the song that cuts straight to the heart as she talks about her hopes for the future which I find very compelling. Even the way she references words like ‘omelets’ to fit the unconventional patterns and chord progressions."

Listen to Molly Buchan 'Ocean On The Moon'

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