Following the release of her highly anticipated EP 'H', we caught up with US alt-pop artist Neska Rose to find out more about what influences her eclectic sound. if you enjoy Neska's picks be sure to check out 'H' at the end of the article.
1. Tango Till They’re Sore by Tom Waits
I'm an album listener, and the album that defined this year for me is 'Rain Dogs' by Tom Waits. There's something about this track that makes me feel sad, reflective, and free at the same time. "I tell you all my secrets, but I lie about my past." That's a good line right there. My mom told me she used to listen to this album on repeat; we have very similar tastes in music.
2. Stoney End by Laura Nyro
I adore Laura Nyro. She comforts me, and her energy is inviting. When I was younger and used my higher register, people in her generation told me I gave them Laura Nyro vibes, and I started listening to her. When I was younger, I made it make sense in my head that she was related to me. It’s difficult for me to let go of that idea. One of my biggest inspirations for songwriting.
3. Every Single Night by Fiona Apple
I would listen to this song in loops when I was shooting a Nick show, which, now that I think about it, is not very fitting, but it’s okay; my character was brooding. It helped me overcome fears because ‘I just want to feel everything’; the song's hook. Why should I miss out on exciting interactions and feelings if I’m fixated on stress? It also reminded me of the nonsense I write in my notebook every single night.
4. I Can’t Put My Finger On It by Ween
I’m the biggest Ween stan. I didn’t even know which song to choose, so I chose this one because of the music video. But really, this choice goes out for all of Weens songs. I love how different they are in every album. I love Ween lore and the Boognish. I love the fact that they’re releasing their demos right now. I’m a Weener.
5. The Way You Look Tonight by Frank Sinatra
I’m putting this because these are my roots. This is my grandma’s favorite. I put this song on and picture my grandma leaping around the living room with a broom. I remember I learned how to play this on guitar when I was ten, and I played this for her. She told me I should start writing my songs a few months after she passed away, and I wrote my first song about her. I played it for my mom to make her happy, and then I wrote another song the next day… and you get it: Life is beautiful.
Listen to Neska Rose 'H'