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  • PruMai123

5 Songs I Love w/ Owners Club

Owners Club have just released their brilliant self titled debut EP via Brighton up and coming label Goo Records. Displaying some brilliantly thought out, witty songwriting and rich Indie-Alternative soundscapes which showcase a wide range of influences.

We wanted to know more, so we caught up with the band about 5 of their favourite tunes:

Butthole Surfers - Boiled Dove ‘Imagine your father was naked and you had just fallen through the ceiling into a room filled with soft, white eyeballs’.

Now that’s the kind of absurdist lyrics that get me inspired. This track, which was only released on a compilation tape titled ‘Smack My Crack’ somehow sounds nostalgically familiar and also like nothing I’ve ever heard before. A lo-fi, psychedelic dirge which seemingly sprawls out of the speakers and seduces you with its witty and degraded ramblings. The ‘Surfers at their very best.

Gee Tee - Chromo Zone I just can’t get enough of these garage-rockers from Down Under. Every song in their catalogue grabs you by the throat and refuses to let go - and I love it! With whole albums of theirs clocking at sub 10 minutes it’s evident that writing catchy hooks at break-neck speed is their forte. These guys were a massive influence on our track Evil Twin. I wrote it not long after discovering them, having decided, ‘Yep I fancy a bit of that chaos in our sonic repertoire’.

The Cleaners From Venus - The Jangling Man Martin Newell, the man behind The Cleaners From Venus is a massive inspiration to me; his lyricism, ear for melody and unabashed DIY attitude are something to be admired. In the veins of every Cleaners song there’s an undeniable sense of Englishness - an England which is at odds with itself, divided and yet sullenly celebrated for all of its contradictions and foibles. This is something I delve into in my songs, however not nearly as eloquently as Newell does.

The Jangling Man explores class and a crumbling political system - making references to Wyatt Tyler and the peasants revolt of 1381 - something which would have seemed relevant at the time of writing as the song is about the poll tax and the riots that ensued as a result. In my opinion this tune seems as relevant today as when released in 1990. ‘To all you kids in cardboard city I hope you’re having fun, And all you voters everywhere will remember what you’ve done’.

Roxy Music - Editions of You I just love everything about this song; the instrumentation, Ferry’s insane lyrics and vocal delivery, ‘The badgers couldn’t compensate at twice the price for just another night with the boy-e-yoy-yoys’. Not to mention the transition from sax solo into Brian Eno’s batshit crazy synth solo. Awe inspiring stuff.

Canned Pineapple - Why Don’t The Pretty Women Look At Me? I keep on finding myself coming back to this utter banger from our Goo Records label mates, Canned Pineapple.

These guys are the best live band I’ve seen in a long long time, I must say it is quite remarkable and a bit annoying just how seamlessly they've transferred that live energy onto vinyl! Hooky as anything and a true ear worm, this song is like if Teenage Fanclub and Deerhunter had a baby.

If you haven’t already go out and by their E.P and while your at it buy ours aswell!

Listen to Owner Club's debut EP below:

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