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5 Things I Love About Berlin w/ Panteon

Berlin based singer-songwriter Yvonne Ambrée creates beautifully tender music under her moniker Panteon. Every release is soft and sweet, filled with twinkling pianos and lulling guitars. With her debut album dropping very soon, we chatted to her to find out what she loves about her city.

Check it out below.

Flea Markets - Berlin has a lot of good ones. I live really close to the biggest one called “Mauerpark”. It feels a little too crowded for me these days but since its right outside my door I usually go early when they set up for their Sunday business and browse through some old books and posters in search of some material for my collage work. Then I usually get a freshly pressed orange and ginger juice, some flowers and head back home before most people are even awake.

My Grandpa Kurt - he is 94 (or 95 already?) and lives in Berlin Pankow. After his second vaccine shot in early March I was finally able to give him a good long hug again after over a year. He is full of good stories.

Berlin’s “Hinterhöfe” - the city, especially the streets in the city centre are filled with 2 or 3, sometimes even 4, backyards (and buildings) that follow after the main building towards the street. Some of them really run down but most of them open up to a new little world - old brick stones and big windows. You would never think that there is a whole other world of houses just behind the main building. It’s definitely worth taking a look whenever you find an open gate.

“Zeit für Brot” Bakery - I wish I wouldn’t love bread as much as I do but to be honest here - they do have the best cinnamon buns and all kinds of nice bread with dates, nuts, sourdough ….. you name it. All of it's delicious. Sustainable business as well.

Lakes - a lot of people don’t know it but Berlin has many beautiful lakes and while some of them have been really “flooded” by locals as well as tourists, there are many that still lie hidden somewhere in between forests - just a quick train ride away.

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