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Theresa is a force of nature. An executive by day and an artist by night, she proves that there really are no bounds to creativity, no matter what stage you are at in life. After building a solid foundation and following through her infectious pop singles, she continues to release incredibly hook-ridden music, with her latest offering 'Unstoppable' being exactly that. We sat down with this inspirational pop star to learn what makes her tick, her creative process and what's next for her, exclusively for FLEX!


Hey Theresa! What are you up to right now?

HI! It’s a rainy Saturday morning in NYC but I am not going to let the weather slow me down! Weekends are the time where I am able to catch up on all the things I can’t get to during the week. And nap. I love to nap!

When did you first begin creating music and how has your artistry evolved to where it is today?

Ever since I was a little girl, I always was coming up with songs in my head. When I was 11, I started my first songbook, filled with lyrics, poems and ideas. Obviously my songwriting has evolved since I was 11, but I still try to write from the heart. I do try to write from experiences, whether they happened yesterday, last week or 10 years ago. I had a lot of heartbreak in my life and had so many ups and downs. It’s just so therapeutic to write and share what I’ve been through or currently going through.

How would you describe the essence of your sound?


How does your work as a music executive during your working week impact your artistry and how do you balance both?

My career as an advertising music executive is quite demanding - which I absolutely love but it’s hard to sometimes balance my career with my popstar dreams plus my personal life. I sometimes wish there were 26 hours in a day...lolz. I do find mornings are where I am most productively creative so I try to wake up as early as I can to capture those moments. I meditate, journal, exercise and sometimes work on some songs all before I have my first cup of tea. I just know that once I leave my apartment for work, my personal creativity will evaporate. I always want to be present in whatever I am doing so it’s all about creating the space to do it all.

We love your new single "Unstoppable”! Can you tell us a bit about the origins of this track? What inspired it?

“Unstoppable” was conceived while I was working on a challenging production at work. I was working 24/7 and just feeling completely defeated. Sometimes it doesn't matter what anyone else says or does, you have to dig deep within yourself to achieve that sense of confidence that will get you out of a difficult situation. I was repeating to myself, “I am unstoppable” over and over again - and that’s how the song was born!

Stream 'Unstoppable' here:

What do you believe sets your music apart from others in your genre, and how would you describe your unique sound?

I am a pop artist through and through. I follow the beat of my own drum. At 43 years old, I really don’t care what other artists are doing. They are doing their thing and I am doing mine. There’s such an oversaturation in pop music in general, and I don’t think that’s a bad thing, but I just can’t compare myself with anyone else. Otherwise if I did, I probably wouldn’t get out of bed. I believe my music comes from an authentic place and I am not afraid to try new things. But again, at the core of who I am and my style of music - it’s total POP!

What has been the most rewarding moment in your career so far?

I am just so grateful to have opportunities to share my music and story with others. It’s all so rewarding - everyday is a gift.

Looking ahead, what are your aspirations and goals as a musician?

I want to continue refining my songwriting and sound and share my music with people around the world. It’s so important for me to help inspire those out there who are going through a shit time or feel like they aren’t worthy of their greatness. WE ARE ALL UNSTOPPABLE!

And finally, what can fans of Theresa expect next?

I am working on so many new songs at the moment - it’s exciting as I’ve been challenging myself to step out of my own creative comfort zone and I am feeling really good about what I am turning out. For anyone in the NYC area, I will be performing at SleepwalkNYC in Brooklyn on Thursday 10.19! My live shows are so fun so come on down if you can!!

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