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Pook Hustle releases heartwarming new single “Mental Health”


Pook Hustle showcases a more emotional side to himself with his latest single "Mental Health." "Mental Health" is an important single that aims to help others. The track features playful drums, atmospheric synths and divine backing vocals. Pook Hustle's vocals land on top, coming drenched in R&B/urban sensibilities.

Speaking about the single, he says: ““At the time of making this record, I was just beginning to process the past year of my life. At the beginning of the pandemic, I went through a rough break up & got furloughed from my job in a 2 week span. If that wasn’t enough, that same winter I had to live without heat & water because of hostile landlords opting to use shady tactics to force me & my family out of the Brooklyn apartment we’ve made home since 1997.

Sticking true to my name (Hustle), I kept recording “Hustle Mode” & releasing music through it all but in order to survive, I had to find a bright spot somewhere. I turned to therapy for the first time in 2021 & it was an essential part in me coping with the trauma I faced. I’m powerful but I know me being vulnerable will lead others to being more transparent & getting help because no matter how strong you are, we all do.

As Pook says, “Hustle” is literally his second name and a fantastic reflection of his attitude towards music. With an incredible work ethic and a growing fanbase, we can't wait to see where he'll take this.



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